Zutphen Christian Reformed is part of a larger body of churches that make up the Christian Reformed denomination. The CRC’s roots trace their history through the countries of Western Europe during the Reformation period of the 1500s back to the early church. A few brief statements of our faith are below, however, more about the denomination we are affiliated with is here.
We worship the Triune God… Father, Son, and Spirit – our Creator, Redeemer, and Counselor.
We read the infallible, inspired word of God – specifically using the New International Version in our worship.
Because of the salvation offered through Jesus Christ alone, we believe God invites us to fully devote ourselves to Him through love and service, reaching into our homes, our communities, our places of work, and our neighborhoods.
If you have more specific questions or want to learn more, please visit our ‘Talk to us‘ page or send us a message. We would be happy to talk to you without any obligation on your behalf.